Monday, December 10, 2012

Win a Jackson Kayak Scavenger Hunt - Hint Number 1

Win a Jackson Kayak - more details posted earlier on this blog

Yes - A great Jackson Kayak can be YOURS

Win a 'Riviera' Jackson Kayak

All you have to do is
Visit the Participating Christmas In Our Town Merchants
Write down their special word (there are 24 of them)

Correctly complete the sentence, using ALL the words. (in some cases, the word may include an ampersand, this will be considered one word)

By 12 noon, Dec. 18, 2012, turn in your sentence to the Chamber office, 16 W. Bockman Way and be eligible to win.

Must be 18 or older. Do not have to be present to win.

Hint Number One: The word you got from Spring Street Guys and Gals is word number seven.

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