Friday, January 13, 2012

The Patrick Story of 13

Happy Birthday Mary Elizabeth Patrick Smith - my precious big sister!

Today is January 13th

Thirteen is my lucky number, and my sister's . . . and my other sister's . . . and on some days my mother's . . . and although he would question it . . . I think my brother is pretty lucky on the 13th. At least on the 13th day of January, July and August. You see, all three of his sisters were born on the 13th of the month (January, July and August). Of course it is his lucky number, three SISTERS, all older than him, all born on the 13th! Please wish my sister a Happy Birthday today and read the story of 13 below.

Patrick kids of Cordova Tennessee

The Patrick Girls story of 13

True story. My mom and dad were expecting their first child after being married a little over a year, and here she came on July 13th, then - 18-months later - their second child was born . . . on January 13th, expecting again and a mere 19-months later - their third precious little girl made her entrance into the world on August 13th.

That's right. With their oldest child barely finished celebrating her third birthday, my parents welcomed a third little girl into the family. And all three of the girls . . . born on the 13th of the month. Lucky, Lucky, Lucky.

My mother tells the story of the birth of my little brother this way {and I paraphrase of course], "On the 12th of April, I went to the doctor and told him 'okay, I am ready to go have this little girl tomorrow. Her name is going to be Penny.' After the doctor told her is was not going to happen. My mother finishes the story by saying she went home and 'cried a while and cussed a while.' (as a side note, please understand the way my mother 'cusses' is by actually saying the phrase 'oh cuss words') 

My little BROTHER decided to change the course of the family, and not only come out a BOY but wait until the 22nd of the month to make his appearance!!

I am pretty sure he saved us from becoming part of a traveling circus or something!

Well, there you go . .  The Patrick Girls story of 13. Hope you enjoyed it.

More stories to come. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

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