Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am enjoying my days off this week so very much. During the summer, I had a vacation scheduled and life happened, so instead I was off one day.

So here it is, the week before Christmas and I have never taken off at this time before - however, I worked Monday and have been off now three days.

All I can say is wonderful! I had no idea how great it would be to take off a few days the week before Christmas. It has rained and I don't care, because I have several projects I have been wanting to accomplish around the house. I am feeling a huge sense of accomplishment right now.

Not only that, all of the Christmas presents are wrapped.

The kitchen is clean, clean

And my sewing / quilting room is nearly finished.

Watch out fabrics, here I come with my rotary cutter.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tongue and groove

Walls ceiling and floor of my upstairs sewing / quilting room. Almost ready to move in fabrics.

Simply Southern Quilts - December 'Show and Tell'

Simply Southern Quilts and Gifts on Liberty Square in Sparta had a little December Show and Tell last Friday . . . here are a few of the items these talented ladies shared with us.

If you have always wanted to learn to quilt, call Cheryl.
If you enjoy quilting, and are looking for great fabrics, call Cheryl.
Have a technique you want to learn how to do? Call Cheryl. 
You have a quilt top you started, now what? Call Cheryl.

Simply Southern Quilts

Enjoy the photos - new classes in January - sign up now

Friday, December 16, 2011

Chamber Holiday After Hours 2011

I don't know what you did last night, but if you missed the Chamber Holiday After Hours at the Bank of White County . . . you missed a great party!

Thanks to all those who donated door prizes, those great Sergio fellas with Calfkiller Brewing Company and of course, the crew at the Bank of White County.

We had a wonderful time
The food was fabulous, and absolutely beautiful - and a chocolate fountain. yum yum yum

And spending time with friends, well - it doesn't get any better.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2011 Sparta Rotary Christmas Parade

2011 Christmas Parade

A beautiful day for a parade. Traditionally held the second Saturday in December, the Sparta Rotary Christmas Parade was held Dec. 10, 2011, with approximately 100 entries. Classic Automobiles, Horses, Tractors, Custom Autos, Floats and Firetrucks (and more) traveled across town tossing candy to the hundreds of spectators who lined the streets from WCHS to Liberty Square. Many children then shared their wish lists with Santa at the White County Courthouse.

Here are the winners of the Parade.

2011 Gracemoor Trees of Christmas

O, Christmas Tree, O, Christmas Tree . . . how lovely
2011 Gracemoor Trees of Christmas and Chamber Open House was a great success. Thanks so much to US Bank, Susan Kirby and Randy Carlile [and the rest of the crew] The food was wonderful, the company incredible, the evening was spectacular.

Roy Whited did a great job again with the Tree and Wreath Auction. A great big thank you goes to all those who decorated and donated trees and wreaths to sell, and to those who brought their checkbooks and bought them.

Here are a few more photos from the event.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

2010 Sparta Rotary
Held on the second Saturday in December, Call the Chamber office 931-836-3552
 to register for this year's parade. 

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Caney Fork Holiday Open House

Caney Fork Electric Cooperative hosted their wonderful Holiday Open House on Tuesday. Great food, wonderful people - beautiful decorations and of course, the fabulous recipe book.

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How to Make a Snowman Tree

My Snowman Tree
How to Make a Snowman Tree - Sliger style!  

On Pinterest [such a fun site] I saw a white tree, with a snowman head - a 'Snowman Tree.'  It was so cute - I fell in love with the idea and was determined to make one myself for the Gracemoor Trees of Christmas auction. The problem was, no directions.

What had they made the heads with? Maybe chicken wire with paper mache'? A balloon covered in wrapped wire, then covered with fabric?? How???  And where can I find a top hat?

The rest of it, I thought I could figure out. Ornaments for the buttons. Surely I can find dark grey or black large ornaments. And the arms, easy - I'll cut some sticks off of a tree - that will work great. Or I can go to the Hobby store and find something in the floral department. Boots . . . pretty sure Noah had a pair he has outgrown. Now just finding the time to start.

First I took a straw cowboy hat and removed the string band.

  [I had to cut them down, at first they were too tall]

 With black felt, I cut around the brim of the hat, then cut slits and glued the felt all around the brim.

I then wrapped the crown with more black felt. With the remaining pieces of plastic, I curved them on the inside of the crown to add some stablity. Then cut a paper plate, wrapped it with black felt and eased it into the top of the crown.

 With a serrated knife, I trimmed a styrofoam cone into a carrot shape, painted it orange. Painted a leftover Halloween plastic pumpkin white, glued the nose on with epoxy and let it set well. I then covered the head with fabric snow, cutting a slit in to ease the nose through.  I cut two slits and glued the metal circles for eyes. I cut a piece of ribbon into a mouth shape, glued it into place.

For the final touches, Noah's outgrown boots on a snow treeskirt. Cinnamon brooms for arms. A bright red scarf and red earmuffs. (We want him to be warm and cozy)
I painted three paper mache' star ornaments with dark grey, then glitter paint for the buttons.

Ta, da.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Sparta Scarecrow Contest

2011 Scarecrow Contest on Liberty Square in downtown Sparta, Tennesseesponsored by the Elks Lodge
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Car Show

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Gentlemen start your engines

The talent to see a vehicle's headlights, tail lights, trim package or wheels and know what year (or for that matter, what make and model) it is - I don't have. Others do. I know - because I have lived with one for many years. He asked me what kind of car that is . . . my answer . . . "a blue one"

Unless of course, it is a Mustang. That one, I've got! And I sort of know what a '55 Chevrolet looks like (except that they look just like the 56 and 57 too) with some details that apparently take testosterone to determine, but whatever.

At the monthly Cruise In in downtown Sparta, I attempt to enhance my education, however I still struggle with telling (without looking for it written on the vehicle or a display sign) whether it is a Ford, Chevrolet or Buick?? Forget some off the wall, they haven't made them since 1947, vehicle that is so rare all the fellas are surrounding it asking questions -

All I know is - I like 'em.  They have style, they have character, and the people that own them have lovingly polished them and want to share them with others. (most of the time, just to look at though, not to touch) And me .. . I like taking photos of them. So as I play catch up with my blog, I am going to post some of my favorites through the years of the great cars and the wonderful people who own them.