Saturday, March 22, 2014

Quilts on Barns blogspot

I was asked to share the Barn Quilt blog - enjoy. We are currently updating the brochure to be released later this spring. We are also coordinating the Quilt Block tours for 2014 - looking forward to

Friday, March 21, 2014

Leadership White County 2014 - State Day

I will write more details later, but wanted you to see the photos from the day. Here is a link to the flickr set

You should be able to download the photos - if not, and you want to, just let me know.  Thanks Jody

Chamber Red Ribbon Ceremony for New Barn Furniture and The Local Lofts

Join us in welcoming New Barn Furniture and The Local Lofts - at 10 a.m., Sat., March 22, 2014 with a Chamber Red Ribbon Ceremony.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sparta - White County Barn Quilt

Love, love, love the newest installed Sparta - White County Barn Quilt - we are currently working on updating the brochure.

Drop by the Stitch and Share Quilt Show, May 2-3, at the White County Agricultural Complex and pick up the newest brochure

Swarm of redbirds strip my holly tree

I used to wait for the Cedar Waxwings to gorge themselves each year  on my beautiful holly trees, for the past couple of years - the redbirds have gotten there first. They are pretty too, just not as pretty as the Cedar Waxwings . . .

Friday, March 14, 2014

2014 Governors Volunteer Star Award - White County Recipients

Salute to two fabulous women in White County TN were selected to receive the TN Governors Star Award in 2014.


Wynette Maynard ~ 

Jacqueline Bumbalough

L-R: Wynette Maynard, Jacqueline Bumbalough, and Jody Sliger

Governor's Volunteer Star Awards

Two special people from White County were awarded the Governor's Volunteer Star Awards earlier this month in Franklin, TN.

I'll post more information soon - but wanted you to know. If you see Jacquline or Wynette, please thank them for their service.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Graduated from the TCCE - Chamber Institute this year

I really enjoyed meeting more of my peers across the state, and finishing the coursework required to graduate from the TCCE Chamber Institute, March 2014.

Thanks to those who provided scholarship assistance, I greatly appreciate it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Retire Tennessee representatives share reasons why people would want to relocate to Tennessee (specifically Sparta and White County)

Retire Tennessee representatives share reasons why people would want to relocate to Tennessee (specifically Sparta and White County)
L-R: Ramay, Amy, Leann, Anne, and Jody