Friday, March 16, 2012

Noah and a trip to the Capitol

Noah in front of the Tennessee Capital Building

When we had an opportunity, on a day Noah was out of school, we took a field trip for a fun history lesson. He and I spent some time touring the Tennessee Capitol Building in Nashville, walking around downtown Nashville, and checking out things at the Tennessee State Museum.

We saw so many wonderful things, historic and special - the historic Capitol Building, with original chandeliers - legends about marble staircases, but the most interesting (from Noah's point of view anyway) is the fact that . . . their are people buried in the walls!!!! Too cool!

All I can hope is that my constant stream of information (he kept on telling me I was talking and talking, like he was not going to listen) found some place to hide in that quick brain of his just waiting for the right time to make an impact. Of course I bought a book and some other history trivia cards and games that we will need to play. Sounds like fun to me - I will probably have to bribe him. Oh well.

There was a light drizzle going on that day, but it wasn't too cool and we had a great day.