Saturday, June 28, 2014

I can make Chocolate Waffles (and if I can, so can you - and they are amazing!!!)

Chocolate Waffles - (or choose your favorite flavor)
If you have a Belgian Waffle maker, simply buy whatever cake mix flavor you desire, mix as directed and pour into the waffle maker. Follow directions for making waffle.

Summer fun - don't heat up the house - and you can have your cake!

They are beautiful and tasty.

We had chocolate ones, topped with whipped cream and fresh raspberries. Yum

Friday, June 6, 2014

Leadership White County 2014 - County Government Day

Following a morning of sessions with White County officials, we enjoyed a great lunch with Caney Fork Electric Cooperative at their Customer Appreciation Day, toured the Upper Cumberland Regional Industrial Park and the Upper Cumberland Regional Airport.

We met up with a few celebrities during our tours . . . Caney Fork Lightening and Aaron Tippin.