Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Sparta Scarecrow Contest

2011 Scarecrow Contest on Liberty Square in downtown Sparta, Tennesseesponsored by the Elks Lodge
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Car Show

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Gentlemen start your engines

The talent to see a vehicle's headlights, tail lights, trim package or wheels and know what year (or for that matter, what make and model) it is - I don't have. Others do. I know - because I have lived with one for many years. He asked me what kind of car that is . . . my answer . . . "a blue one"

Unless of course, it is a Mustang. That one, I've got! And I sort of know what a '55 Chevrolet looks like (except that they look just like the 56 and 57 too) with some details that apparently take testosterone to determine, but whatever.

At the monthly Cruise In in downtown Sparta, I attempt to enhance my education, however I still struggle with telling (without looking for it written on the vehicle or a display sign) whether it is a Ford, Chevrolet or Buick?? Forget some off the wall, they haven't made them since 1947, vehicle that is so rare all the fellas are surrounding it asking questions -

All I know is - I like 'em.  They have style, they have character, and the people that own them have lovingly polished them and want to share them with others. (most of the time, just to look at though, not to touch) And me .. . I like taking photos of them. So as I play catch up with my blog, I am going to post some of my favorites through the years of the great cars and the wonderful people who own them.